Most Comprehensive Finacle Wiki and commands on the web

A complete illustrative and exclusive guide of Finacle Commands


Thursday, July 11, 2013

EMI Calculator for Home Loan, Car Loan & Personal Loan

We were in the Process of Updating the current site thats why we have not published any post for last few weeks. We really appreciate your feedback and continuous support to this site . Here we are presenting you a post on EMI (Equated Monthly Installment). Being a Banker and if your are specially working in Credit Processing,  you have to deal frequently with this term. We are also presenting you EMI Calculators so that you can download...

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

TDS (Tax Deduction at Source) in Finacle Part -I , furnishing Form 15G and 15H to NIL/ Low Deduction of TDS on interest on Fixed Deposit in Banks

Dear Readers, First of all Thanks to team Finacle commands  for allowing me to be part of their team. before going in to the topic I would like to introduce myself . Myself Rajesh Kumar , From a leading Nationalized Bank and working in Banking Sector since 2007.  I will cover the TDS module of the Finacle i.e How to Deduct the Tax at Source (TDS) and refund the TDS. The complete module will be covered in two part . In the first part ...

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Weekly Reports to be Generated and checked in finacle in UCO Bank

Dear friends , Thanks for your response to my first ever post in this Forum about Daily Reports to be generated and checked in Finacle for my Banker Friends working in UCO Bank .Again I would like to present the Summarized Reports to be checked and generated in finacle for WEEKLY  basis. WEEKLY REPORTS 1 Reconciliation of a/c with other banks and with service branch(ACT4) production ACLI-From to date/ ACLPOA-for generation of report 2 ACT1 report Misrep-VIR-ACT1SOL-SOLID-DATE Every friday 3 GL REPORT...

Posts Category wise :

      CBS Manual – Finacle Menus/ Commands for your ready reference


·         Huge Collection of 938 Finacle Menus

·         286 Selective Finacle Menu options

·         Category wise Commonly used Finacle Menus

·         Finacle Menu options/ Commands for Bank Auditors

·         Frequently used Function keys in Finacle


      Customer ID & Account Opening related Menu Options / Commands


·         Customer ID creation and Verification in Finacle by using CUMM menu

·         Customer ID creation in finacle in short by using CUMM menu

·         Changing Customer ID of a Customer

·         Account Opening (Savings/Current) in Finacle using menu option OAAC

·         Account opening in Finacle – in short

·         Frequently asked questions related to Customer ID  and Account Opening


      Demand Draft / Pay Order related Menu Options / Commands


·         Issuing a Demand Draft using Finacle Menu options TM

·         Issuing Multiple Demand Draft / PO using Finacle menu option TM

·         Printing Demand Draft / PO using menu option DDPRNT

·         Cancellation of Demand Draft  in Finacle using menu option DDC

·         Marking a Demand Draft Lost and issuing Duplicate DD

·         Inquiry and Reports finacle Menu related to Demand Draft


      Miscellaneous Finacle Menu Options / Commands


·         Standing Instruction Maintenance using Finacle Menu Options SIM.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - I.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - II.

·         Deleting Memo Pad in Finacle

·         Mass Transaction Posting in Finacle using Finacle Menu option TTUM.

·         Freezing & Unfreezing of accounts in finacle using Finacle Menu AFSM

·         Passbook Printing in Finacle

·         Finacle Teller Cash account Maintenance using Finacle Menu GECM

·         Finacle Menu option TM  for Transaction Posting and Maintenance