Friday, November 23, 2012

Finacle Common FAQ -1 for Promotion process in Banks

Dear Users, following are the most commonly asked frequently asked question which are may be asked during your promotion process and apart from that Being a Banker and user of finacle , it will sharpen your knowledge about finacle and finacle commands and menu options.

Finacle Common FAQ -1 ?

1) Who is a captive user?
A "captive" user is one who can put through transactions affecting the data of his SOL (branch) alone. He can also inquire into the database pertaining to other SOL provided the menu he is invoking is "free".
2) Who is a free user?
A "free" user is one who can put through transactions affecting the data of his SOL as well as other SOL, provided the menu he is invoking is also "free". It should be noted that the "free" user could put through transactions affecting only the customer accounts of other SOL and not office accounts. It should be remembered that even though the user is "free", he couldn't access the database of other SOL if the menu is"captive".
3) My user id is locked. What can I do ?
In case the menu is locked and the user is not allowed to log into the system again,then by going through the menu SAC we have to delete (unlock) the user. This activity can be performed by any supervisory staff of the branch.

4) I was transferred from another branch where I had a Finacle user id and password. Do I have to take fresh user id in the new branch?
There is no need to generate fresh user id. If the employee is transferred to another SOL, the SOL of the user in the system can be changed to the current SOL through DC through finacle menu / command CSE.  this does n't require any verification

5) I do not want certain users to access certain accounts. Can I restrict them?
Users can be restricted from accessing certain accounts through the menu AACM.

6) One of the users in the branch is going on long leave. I want to disable the user for the period of leave. How can I do it?
you can do this through finacle command / menu HUPM.  in Function Modify you put the date up to which it will be disabled.

7) I have identified certain users to perform teller duties. How do I attachteller duties to a user?
It has to be ensured that the user is defined as a teller by the DC . Thereafter his/her ID has to be linked to an office account/teller account  through menu option GECM. This can be done at the branch level.

8) Today is a holiday but I want to work on Finacle. But the system is not allowing me to log in and is prompting for another user to verify. What do I do?
As a security feature, any user can log into the Finacle application only if another user authorizes the login on any day marked as holiday in the SOL calendar by using finacle menu CTM.

9) How do I change the Application Password (Finacle password used during login process)
Go to background menu (click on background option) and use PWMNT option to change your application password

10) Components of available balances are not known within an account.How much is reserved by the system for clearing, how much is floating, how much can be withdrawn by the customer?
If you are in TM screen, use sub-option B in the middle part of the screen and press Accept.If you are in ACM, go in Inquire mode, give account number and use sub-option ‘M’ and accept. Alternatively, use HACCBAL/ACCBAL menu-option and specify the account number for which you need the details.
11) I have opened an account under the wrong GL subhead code. How do I rectify it?
Use TACBSH to change the GL-Sub-head code of the given account 

12) How to find out the Joint holder names for Joint Accounts?
Use ACM option and use sub option - > A – Joint holders names. 

13) How to reverse the Proxy Transactions?
Use SPTM option to reverse the proxy transaction

14)Cash is not balanced which reports to take to crosscheck the entries?
Use PTW and generate the report using option C- Cash Waste and crosscheck the transactions or use FTI / FTR to check for particular amount by giving tran-type as C-Cash and tran amt low and tran amt high. Check for unposted trans, if any. Teller wise cash reports also can generated using the menu ACLPOA for the office account attached to the teller.

15) While closing the account system gives message ‘Interest not upto date’?
Use ACINT option and do the interest run for this account.

16) Can I adjust part-amounts against single credit available in Pointing type of accounts?
Yes, you can go to additional details and pick-up the amount by selecting the amountout standing.
17) Unable to print reports from Finacle, where to check?
First check whether the IlinkWeb is active or not. If IlinkWeb is not active, click on Ilinkweb.exe to activate the ilink. Check the printer status.

18) What is a part tran?
Each transaction consists of minimum one debit leg and one credit leg. Each voucher in each leg is knows as a “Part Tran”.

19) When does the system generate transaction serial number for the transactions initiated by the users?
The transaction serial number is given after the transaction is committed i.e. after pressing F10, and the system accepts it. The system generates a serial number for every set of transaction

20) How do I differentiate between the user created transaction and system generated transaction?
A transaction generated by the system will have the prefix “S” to the transaction number generated and user created transactions are prefixed with “M” or custom prefix for them by different Banks. 

21) Can I delete a system-generated voucher?
No. The user cannot delete a system-generated voucher. The user can reverse thesystem-generated voucher using the menu HCRT.

22) What are "warning", "exception" and "error"?

Before accepting the transaction and giving the transaction serial number, the system will validate all the exceptions defined in the application.If the exception is defined as a “Warning”, the user can complete the transaction by overriding the warning.If the exception is defined as “Exception”, then the user who has sufficient work class to override such exceptions alone can complete the transaction. This is the same even in the case of system generated transactions. E.G Against clearing or TOD to an account , which can be executed by appropriate authorities.If the exception is defined as an “Error”, then no user can complete the transaction and even the system generated transactions will not go through. Eg. Stop Payment /Post Dated cheques cannot be passed by any user.
23) While trying to post a transaction, I have encountered an exception.How to deal with this?
The minimum work class which is required to post an exceptional transaction and the minimum work class, which is required to approve the exceptional transaction, is defined in the menu EXCDM .If the user having sufficient work class, posts an exceptional transaction, then the user who is having sufficient work class to verify an exceptional transaction should verify the transaction.If the same transaction is posted by a user having sufficient work class to approve exceptional transactions, then the system will not prompt for verification. The verification of exceptional transactions can be done through the menu TEA. The user can inquire into the exceptional transactions through the menu TEI

24 ) What is the difference between entering, posting and verifying a transaction?
There are three stages for completing a transaction, which can be performed by the users depending on their work class. They are Entering, Posting and Verifying.At the stage of "E – Enter", no data is updated. The system will generate a serial number for each part tran and is displayed in the screen at the top on the right side.At the stage of "P – Post", the data is updated
The system will generate a tran id at the stage of entry or posting depending on commit (F10) pressed by the user.The stage "Verify" does not have any significance in Finacle as far as data update is concerned. In order to have the Maker and Checker concept the trasaction needs be verified by other user. But it should be noted that unless all transactions are verified, the end of day (EOD) couldn't be done.

25) Can all users enter, post and verify a transaction?
No. Depending on the work class they are associated; the users can either enter & post or verify the transaction. At no point of time the three activities are completed by one user and intervention of other user is required.
26) Can the same user do the entering, posting and verifying a transaction?
No. A single user cannot do the entering, posting and verifying a transaction.
27) Can the same user do the posting and verifying of a transaction?
Yes. Depending upon the work class, the transaction done by other user can be posted/verified by same user.
28) Can the same user do the entering and posting of a transaction?
Yes. Depending on the work class some users can do only entering of a transaction while some others can do both entering and posting of a transaction.
29) A transaction has been entered by one user and posted by another user.Does this require verification by the third user?
No. A transaction needs two users for its successful completion. When a transaction is entered by one user, and posted by another user, the system updates the verifier field with the user who has posted it automatically and hence does not require verification.
30) How do I know whether a voucher is in entered, posted or verified status?
The user can use the menu HFTI/FTI and query on the transactions. There are various criteria on basis of which the system will display a report. If the user clicks on any particular transaction in case of HFTI, the system will display the full details of that particular transaction. In the case of FTI, the user will have to select the transaction and press CTRL + E to explode the transaction.

31) I have wrongly posted a part transaction by pressing P and F4 but I have not yet committed/saved the transaction. How can I set it right without redoing the whole exercise ?
Use sub-option ‘R’ (Reset the transaction) in the same place where you had used ‘P’ option while posting; now press F4 (Accept key). The part transaction will come backto unverified / unposted state. It will be reset

32) How to see who has created / modified / posted / verified and timewhen the transaction was posted?
Use TM option and in the sub-option give O-Other part-tran inquiry and press F4 to know the details
33) When posting a transaction system gives error “Additional details not entered”?
Use TMsub-option – AAdditional details screen, enter the additional details and then post the part-tran. These are normally when we do the HO related transactions.

34) What is the difference between a back dated and a value dated transaction?
In a back dated transactions the GL gets updated from the back date given.In a value dated transactions the GL does not get updated as on the value date but will have an effect only for the calculation of interest as of the value date, even if the interest is already calculated for the account. Branches are allowed to do only value dated transactions.

35) How do I go about putting through a value-dated transaction?
The user can put through a value dated transaction.The user can input the value date in the " value date" field in the menu TM or in other menus while entering/posting the transaction.On committing the transaction, the system will display the message to the effect that it is a value-dated transaction.
36) Can I put through a transaction between two customer accounts across two SOLs?
Yes. It is possible to put through a transaction between two customer accounts across two SOLs, provided the user is a "Free User" and the menu invoked is also"Free"



  1. The information regarding FINACLE Menus is very useful

  2. Please discuss "work class" and responsibilities.

  3. How can I mark a customer or ID, if I am going to access his account (let be pbp or acli or tm) a popup menu will appear with the message I'd marked


Posts Category wise :

      CBS Manual – Finacle Menus/ Commands for your ready reference


·         Huge Collection of 938 Finacle Menus

·         286 Selective Finacle Menu options

·         Category wise Commonly used Finacle Menus

·         Finacle Menu options/ Commands for Bank Auditors

·         Frequently used Function keys in Finacle


      Customer ID & Account Opening related Menu Options / Commands


·         Customer ID creation and Verification in Finacle by using CUMM menu

·         Customer ID creation in finacle in short by using CUMM menu

·         Changing Customer ID of a Customer

·         Account Opening (Savings/Current) in Finacle using menu option OAAC

·         Account opening in Finacle – in short

·         Frequently asked questions related to Customer ID  and Account Opening


      Demand Draft / Pay Order related Menu Options / Commands


·         Issuing a Demand Draft using Finacle Menu options TM

·         Issuing Multiple Demand Draft / PO using Finacle menu option TM

·         Printing Demand Draft / PO using menu option DDPRNT

·         Cancellation of Demand Draft  in Finacle using menu option DDC

·         Marking a Demand Draft Lost and issuing Duplicate DD

·         Inquiry and Reports finacle Menu related to Demand Draft


      Miscellaneous Finacle Menu Options / Commands


·         Standing Instruction Maintenance using Finacle Menu Options SIM.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - I.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - II.

·         Deleting Memo Pad in Finacle

·         Mass Transaction Posting in Finacle using Finacle Menu option TTUM.

·         Freezing & Unfreezing of accounts in finacle using Finacle Menu AFSM

·         Passbook Printing in Finacle

·         Finacle Teller Cash account Maintenance using Finacle Menu GECM

·         Finacle Menu option TM  for Transaction Posting and Maintenance