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Monday, December 17, 2012

Memo Pad Look Up and Maintenance in Finacle , Part - I

Memo  pad  is  an  entry  whereby we  can  store  an  information  of  the  account holder or a message which we want to be popped up at the time of operation in the account. There are two types of memo pads in Finacle – • System generated • User created A.  SYSTEM GENERATED MEMO PAD Where system on its own creates a memo pad entry. For example – • When any modification...

Inquiry and Reports menu in Finacle related to Demand Draft

Here are few Reports Menu used for inquiry related to Demand Draft issued and DD Paid details for your reference. SPECIFIC DD ISSUED INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDII’ Using this menu option, user can inquire on the particulars of any specific DD that has been issued. 1. Type ‘DDII’ at the finacle user menu option block and press <enter> 2. Enter DD number and date of issue and press F4. 3. System displays the particulars of the DD. 4. Press F3 to <quit>. DD CREDITS INQUIRY – MENU OPTION ‘DDIC’ Using  this  menu...

Marking a Demand Draft Lost and Issuing Duplicate DD in finacle

We are discussing on Demand Drafts and Payorder modules of finacle last week , here we represent you few other menu options related to Marking a Demand Draft Lost & then issuance of Duplicate DD. MARK A DEMAND DRAFT AS LOST  MENU OPTION : DDLOST Status of a demand draft, which has been printed, can be marked as ‘Lost’ only by the DD issuing branch. This is a pre-requisite for issuing a duplicate DD. 1.  Type ‘DDLOST’ at finacle user menu option block and press <enter>. 2.  Enter DD number, its date of issue and...

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Important Function Keys in finacle

Earlier we have discussed basic function keys used in finacle , presenting these again for your reference  Physical Key What does it do? F1 Field level help. Like in several word processors and spreadsheet packages, F1 displays context sensitive help messages and field level help messages. F2 List. This key lists the codes that may be used in a particular field. ...

Posts Category wise :

      CBS Manual – Finacle Menus/ Commands for your ready reference


·         Huge Collection of 938 Finacle Menus

·         286 Selective Finacle Menu options

·         Category wise Commonly used Finacle Menus

·         Finacle Menu options/ Commands for Bank Auditors

·         Frequently used Function keys in Finacle


      Customer ID & Account Opening related Menu Options / Commands


·         Customer ID creation and Verification in Finacle by using CUMM menu

·         Customer ID creation in finacle in short by using CUMM menu

·         Changing Customer ID of a Customer

·         Account Opening (Savings/Current) in Finacle using menu option OAAC

·         Account opening in Finacle – in short

·         Frequently asked questions related to Customer ID  and Account Opening


      Demand Draft / Pay Order related Menu Options / Commands


·         Issuing a Demand Draft using Finacle Menu options TM

·         Issuing Multiple Demand Draft / PO using Finacle menu option TM

·         Printing Demand Draft / PO using menu option DDPRNT

·         Cancellation of Demand Draft  in Finacle using menu option DDC

·         Marking a Demand Draft Lost and issuing Duplicate DD

·         Inquiry and Reports finacle Menu related to Demand Draft


      Miscellaneous Finacle Menu Options / Commands


·         Standing Instruction Maintenance using Finacle Menu Options SIM.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - I.

·         Creating a Memo Pad in Finacle Part - II.

·         Deleting Memo Pad in Finacle

·         Mass Transaction Posting in Finacle using Finacle Menu option TTUM.

·         Freezing & Unfreezing of accounts in finacle using Finacle Menu AFSM

·         Passbook Printing in Finacle

·         Finacle Teller Cash account Maintenance using Finacle Menu GECM

·         Finacle Menu option TM  for Transaction Posting and Maintenance